Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Though I am HURT

I am not angry at you,
You taught me to love!
I never hate you,
You showed me what dreams are all about!
Though I'm hurt;
No grudges , no regrets!!
With time, it may fade,
With time, I may heal;
But I'll never let go off our heavenly days.
Bittersweet maybe, they are still my memories!
Each woven with love by you and me!
Though I 'm hurt;
No grudges, no regrets!!
Getting drenched in rain was never beautiful until I met you,
The same rain pricks my heart now !
The red roses bloomed deep-red when you gave them to me,
Now my heart bleeds redder than the roses;
And the pain is deeper than ever!
Though I'm hurt;
No grudges ,no regrets !
I am not over it yet,
Though It's all over between you and me!
I may have been mad at your ways.
But your presence was the reason,
For me to brush off all worries;
No matter how hard my days have been!
Though I'm hurt;
No grudges,no regrets!!
I will miss you!
I pray life will be always kind to you!
If we ever come across again,
Please smile at me!
It will lighten up the moment for me.
Though I 'm hurt;
No grudges , no regrets!!

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