Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Ode to Falling In and Out of Love!

The wait has been long and rough.
I have been waiting long for You!
Time passed.
Love has bloomed and withered
I have fallen in and out of Love.
Yet I move on.
One step ahead
One step closer to You.

I thought He was the one for me ;
But no Darling, You are yet to come.
I will wait.
I have cried and smiled for You
I will cry and smile for You.
Yet I move on.
One step ahead .
One step closer to You.

I was dumped and ditched;
I cheated and hated too;
They were never my Mr.Right.
That's coz My Love, I did Know very sure.
You will come and sweep me
Off my feet and kiss me Till I blush.
I will move on
One step ahead.
One step closer to You.

My wedding dress and my wedding ring
The chimes and the bells,
The garlands and the blessings;
They all wait for you HoneyBee;
Come and love me.
I will move on
One step ahead.
One step closer to You.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cyclone Thane

DEC 30, 2011:
RIP the victims of cyclone Thane.Went to Puducherry for the New year celebration which turns into Nightmare. But I survived. This is a good sign. I still have unaccomplished jobs to do. I will live another day and accomplish almost all of them before I lay asleep forever.

The howling of the winds were pretty scarier , pertaining to the fact that I am scared of ghosts so much. I thought I heard some one weeping first, then i thought maybe it's the Cat. But as the winds get stronger and fiercer , I can hear talking myself to calm my heartbeats. The morning view after the storm was disastrous. The roads will blocked by fallen trees, no electricity in the town. Puducherry was yet again a flash-back of Tsunami 2004 ,
With no food to eat, we managed to hire an auto and requested him to take us to any opened restaurants but hard luck. He didn't want to drive far as the tank was getting dried and all petrol bunks were closed due to the cyclone.We ended up buying snacks(biscuits and chips+ water bottles n soft short what ever was available in the petty shops which opened. ) The shops were bombarded with hungry tourists like us.The Storm even though have calm down a bit, there was no signs of any help in the town. No water in the hotels and the generator was dying out. We managed to book tickets back to Bengaluru. By evening, we were so hungry that we set out to walk miles in search of restaurants. Luckily we got one. had the best fried rice and black of the few food -items available  in that hotel.By 9:30 PM  , we vacated the hotel as we thought that if we don't find an auto , then we have walked miles in the rain.I forget to mention that it was raining all the while when we ventured out in the storm in search of food.All our clothes were wet. But luckily , we found an auto and he was ready to take us to the bus-deport. By 11:15, we said a good bye to Pondy and set off to the safer land. It was a ride. I was freezing and I snuggled up closed to survive. I survived. I will live on now too.
Happy New year to all.