Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Ode to Falling In and Out of Love!

The wait has been long and rough.
I have been waiting long for You!
Time passed.
Love has bloomed and withered
I have fallen in and out of Love.
Yet I move on.
One step ahead
One step closer to You.

I thought He was the one for me ;
But no Darling, You are yet to come.
I will wait.
I have cried and smiled for You
I will cry and smile for You.
Yet I move on.
One step ahead .
One step closer to You.

I was dumped and ditched;
I cheated and hated too;
They were never my Mr.Right.
That's coz My Love, I did Know very sure.
You will come and sweep me
Off my feet and kiss me Till I blush.
I will move on
One step ahead.
One step closer to You.

My wedding dress and my wedding ring
The chimes and the bells,
The garlands and the blessings;
They all wait for you HoneyBee;
Come and love me.
I will move on
One step ahead.
One step closer to You.

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