Thursday, July 19, 2012


When I turn back someday,
I will realize it happens all for good.
Maybe you were right and I was totally wrong.
Maybe it was my fault to fall for your lies.
Maybe it was my fault to fulfill your lust.
Maybe it was my fault to hide your flaws before other.
Maybe it was my fault to believe you will wed me.
Maybe it was my fault to let you leave me.
Maybe it was my fault to become an unwed mother.
Maybe it was my fault to be out casted from the society.
Maybe it was my fault to have decided to end my life.
It’s not my fault that you will never be part of my child’s life.
It’s not my fault that you will never get a share of her happiness.
It’s not my fault that you will never have your surname tagged along with her name.
It’s not my fault that you will never know how warm is her smile.
It’s not my fault that you will never be hugged by her.
It’s not my fault that you will never be known as her father.

As I watch my daughter proud on the podium, welcome with salutes.
When I turn back today,
I realize it happens all for good.

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