Monday, September 17, 2012

I Am The Chosen One

"One in a thousands": that's what the horoscope reader told my mother. I am the one in a thousands. My optimist mother thought that I will be famous and bring fame-name to the family. But in a country where the population is in Billions, "Thousand" can be just side-lined. Coming back to why I decided to blog today. Yes, I am the chosen one: the one in thousands indeed. I am lupic. No one in the family (including my ancestors and other closed or distant relatives) has lupus. Lupus chose me. Initially , I was like "Why me?" ,but now I decided to live with it. There has been so many painful moments in my life -physical as well as emotional ones. The body aches, the skin is sensitive, the bones become weaker.
When it all started in the winter of 2008, I was stiff in the morning. I could not take my steps. Acute alopecia ,arthritis and sensitive skin haunted me. I was misdiagnosed for arthritis initially. The pills were not helping me . I stayed with my colleagues. They were so supportive. Every morning, I need to be literally pull up as I was so stiff and could not bend my knees. After many tests, I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematousus (SLE). I am glad to finally know what is my illness.It's an auto-immune disease. My WBCs have become dumb that they fail to identify the good and bad cells. . The treatment started and I got my hair back,the butterfly rashes vanished ,but happiness come with a price. As I was treated with steroid, I gained weights , lots of them. I am FAT and PUFFY ,but happy. I can dance again. I can play again. I was a part of my college throw ball team. I serve real good, though I am not so good at the rest of the game. The every fortnightly visit to the hospital was horrifying. I hate seeing sick people. Kidney biopsy, more and more blood tests ,but I am thankful that I am still alive.
In October 2009, I parted with colleagues-cum-roommates. One get married and the other went back to Dubai. I missed my Dubai-friend. She is my best friend . We went to movies, shopping and restaurants together. A big vacant in my life , though she is always there in my heart. I met a friend of my school-friend  just then. I hang out with him on weekends. I am crazy as always. He liked my craziness. He is a vet-student-in practice. He knew well about me being lupic. He was leaving the town for his higher studies soon. In December 25,2009, he proposed me, a cold december night around 9 PM at the park opposite to my apartment. I explained him that I don't deserve to lead a family-life because I am the chosen one. He explained that other lupic people do have family. I know lupic people can have family but during pregnancy , steroid is to be avoided which will aggravate the illness. More-over lupic people have a average lifespan of 35 years. Some are exception,Michael Jackson died at 50,due to overdose of his lupic-medicine. I too had hope now. I may survive till 50. I may be able to see my children growing to teenagers atleast. I have hope and I wanted to fall in love . I said yes to him. He was in train ,travelling to his university. It's hard for me to keep secrets from my mother. I told her the news. Like every parents,she acted indifferent.In 25th Feb 2010, on my birthday , i met him again . I went home for a holiday. He too came to see me. I was so sick to drive my scooter . Mom dropped me at the restaurant  for my first date. I love my mom. She is so supportive. To be in Love is so beautiful. I m in love madly ,deeply and truely. I am thankful to the decision I took. I am happy. My holidays are over. I came back to my work but happy. I wanted to live healthy as ever. I quit social drinking. I want to survive now. In August 2010, I was transferred to another city. I wanted to meet him but we get caught up in our own lives. We went through the Ups and downs of my relationships. His research-works kept him busy. My new project was equally hectic. On Feb 13, 2011, I got a message,"Let's break-up". I demanded a valid reason. I was given one."You are sick". I heard he got a new girl. I cried but I don't blame him. My first love, first date ,first kiss: I am thankful to him. I made a bucket-list :No 1. To fall in love . I put a tick, next to it. No2: Travel No3 Learn Guitar,etc .The list is short .Comes up to around 10 things only. I am a human . I know the list will grow.
My groom hunt kicked off. I kept chasing  the potential grooms which my mother selected,away telling that I m sick. I have tasted the pain of heartbreak. I know I am building wall around myself.In October 2011, my very worried mother introduced me to a guy. I think my mother might have sworn that she will visit the 9 holy hindu places in Manipur if she finds me a groom. I told him about my illness. He is fine with that. Strange. I know I was falling in love again. In december 2011, I had my prenuptial -function finalized. I am officially engaged. My marriage will be in March 2012. I was happy. Came February 2012, he got an onsite opportunity.  Marriage can wait but not onsite opportunity. He went to Canada. He forgot valentine day,forgot my birthday .It's okay. he must be busy.
On April6 2012, I met with an accident. I broke my pelvic bones. I was bed-ridden. I broke the news to him once I was discharged from hospital. He asked me to take care and never call me up again.  My mom came to take care of me but she is a working women.A month later,after being Ok-ed to be flown home, I was flown home for better care. My mother continued with her shopping for my marriage. I could not longer bear to see it, i told my mom to stop it all . It was over. He had never mailed me or call me again. Our parents met. The engagement was called off. I am not heart broken this time. Surviving the accident and recovering gave a all new reason to live. I will live.  I got DEXA-scaned. I had osteopenia now. The steroid eats my bones up. I am asked to be careful and avoid falls. I cannot avoid falls. I fall in love with life again.
I still have not mentioned "Why I am blogging this?" Well, the chosen one  wanted to choose to love someone, I wanted to have someone to share my love and who will love me back too. I am looking for a pet-dog. Doctors have advised me not to have dogs/cats as my skin is too sensitive. I have golden fishes.But I wonder if they love me too. I hate cats. So , I am definitely going to pet dogs. Puppies!! here I come. This was in my bucket list !

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Perfectly Myself!

I am so perfect in all my senses
My parents told me that
I could be the next lady Prime Minster.
If I put just 25 hours a day 
On political science and newspapers!

I am so perfect in all my senses
My teachers told me that
I am the Einstien in the making.
My formula :N=ut2s could be a hit
If I could line up the heavenly bodies 
With my under rated theory of Unreality!

I am so perfect in all my senses
My coach told me that 
He can see a Michael Jordon in me
As I warmed the corner bench,
All I have to do is grow up to few more 12 inches!!

I am so perfect in all senses
My nosey aunty told me
I could defeat Jaya Bacchan in being 
The perfect housewife.
All I have to do was to allow my husband to tread on me!

I am so perfect in all senses
My manager told me that 
I could be the CEO one day
If I could sit in the office from 
12 midnight till 12 midnight the next day

I am so perfect in all senses
I told myself that
I could be the best of Bests
If I don’t pay a heed to what 
The world says and 
Just be me!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


When I turn back someday,
I will realize it happens all for good.
Maybe you were right and I was totally wrong.
Maybe it was my fault to fall for your lies.
Maybe it was my fault to fulfill your lust.
Maybe it was my fault to hide your flaws before other.
Maybe it was my fault to believe you will wed me.
Maybe it was my fault to let you leave me.
Maybe it was my fault to become an unwed mother.
Maybe it was my fault to be out casted from the society.
Maybe it was my fault to have decided to end my life.
It’s not my fault that you will never be part of my child’s life.
It’s not my fault that you will never get a share of her happiness.
It’s not my fault that you will never have your surname tagged along with her name.
It’s not my fault that you will never know how warm is her smile.
It’s not my fault that you will never be hugged by her.
It’s not my fault that you will never be known as her father.

As I watch my daughter proud on the podium, welcome with salutes.
When I turn back today,
I realize it happens all for good.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

i will be honest to myself!!

I am a mere being! The accident was a wake up call, a turning point for my life, to introspect and get myself in understanding myself more. Though the hard way, I learnt where I was heading towards. Perhaps, in order to fill up a void, I have jumped to a quick replacement only to end up in a more messy situation.I have been relying on external sources for love, compassion, and gratitude rather than looking within myself.  I have been
defensive in order to protect myself from being hurt.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


It was a gruelling almost 10 hours works a day, meeting targets and seeing every chart as “Green”.
I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I have time today, lots of time in hand.
I avoid lunching at the peak hours and prefer a little late or early just to avoid standing in long queues and wasting my time.  I don’t have to worry about that either today. I can eat now anytime whenever  I am hungry.
A quick 5 min shower and rushing to office was my daily routine. I don’t have to shower these days. Though I yearn for a good bath at times when the summer sweats and heat is taking its toll. Anyway a no-bath-day is equally good .
It has been in my wishlist to get meals cooked and served by mom . Seems like I have wished real  hard for that.
In a tiny 12x14 feet sq room, as I lay staring the only ceiling fan in the room, the newly built cob webs, I introspect and play GYAN-nindro.
My 5 senses are all alert now.
I can hear the creaking fan louder in the next room, the cooker whistling in the neighbour , the prayer at the nearby mosque, the fluttering wings of the pigeons. Sigh! Wish i can fly too.
I can see the warm flow of sunrays into the room, the vibrant blue colored curtains in the room.
I can smell my mom cooking meals for me. The aroma, simply heaven.
Yucks!the many medicine i am gulping down tastes horrible.
The bed rashes, as i endure <feel>the prickly pain for lying for days on the bed.
My sixth sense is all NUMBed though.<comfortably numbed indeed>
I was recalling all the people who have come, stayed, left from my life, by fate and by chance.
The mean,good,evil,mischief me- the different me at different situations.
Many incidents were I have been surprised pleasantly by my best friends, the shattering moment of getting dumped, talking to parents when you need them the most –moments,the evil me though unintentionally hurt my loved ones and regretting later, the many “if only” moments of life- all flashing by and as I turned back to those memories, I find myself equally silly and sensible. That’s life is all about.
All is pacing slowly for me now. As some wise men (not me) rightly put “When everything around you is going wrong, just lay back and relax..and I am literally doing that!!”
 I met with an accident on good friday and got my right pubic bone i am bed-ridden for months..hence the introspection!!



Saturday, March 10, 2012

FB is injurious to health

They are happy, they are perfect and they party!!

My status is single as ever, my workplace is same as ever. I do not go to great places for vacation. I cannot order Pizza and booze every weekend. My life is a big ZERO. All my friends are either in Delhi or Banglore. I am all alone. This is causing my blood pressure to increase.
The ugly duckling of my high school is seen in shorts and tank-tops. She is looking great and she got 43 likes of which 30 of them are guys and 67 comments. I prayed that Mark should have added the DISLIKE” button too. My arch rival is “In relationship” again. New, richer and smarter boyfriend every time.  I could not maintain even one relationship and was single even before the existence of Facebook. This is not helping me. I am buried neck-deep in jealousy.
My every third FB friend has gone to Singapore ,Phuket or Nepal. Even though I tried consoling myself telling that these places are cheap holiday spots. Go to Europe and prove me then!! Geez! The reality is something else for me; To me, a vacation means visiting my sister over the weekend. I cannot bear the twang of jealousy pain I got every time I got to see my friends hanging out in clubs on weekends.
The couples are smiling as always. Not that I wanted my friends to fight with their spouses. But how can a couple always stay happy to eternity. No differences, no arguments  .How can Ekta Kapoor be possibly so wrong and show that husband-wife have ups and down/kiss and then make-up life.

No wonder, why I quit FB. Having FB account is injurious to health and I quit it. Just as simple as that. And I am glad that I stand by that decision. Now I go home and watch Sinchan and Doremon at Hungama channel. Life is easy and simple again!!

 I am happy , Sinchan is perfect and Doremon Parties!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Ode to Falling In and Out of Love!

The wait has been long and rough.
I have been waiting long for You!
Time passed.
Love has bloomed and withered
I have fallen in and out of Love.
Yet I move on.
One step ahead
One step closer to You.

I thought He was the one for me ;
But no Darling, You are yet to come.
I will wait.
I have cried and smiled for You
I will cry and smile for You.
Yet I move on.
One step ahead .
One step closer to You.

I was dumped and ditched;
I cheated and hated too;
They were never my Mr.Right.
That's coz My Love, I did Know very sure.
You will come and sweep me
Off my feet and kiss me Till I blush.
I will move on
One step ahead.
One step closer to You.

My wedding dress and my wedding ring
The chimes and the bells,
The garlands and the blessings;
They all wait for you HoneyBee;
Come and love me.
I will move on
One step ahead.
One step closer to You.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cyclone Thane

DEC 30, 2011:
RIP the victims of cyclone Thane.Went to Puducherry for the New year celebration which turns into Nightmare. But I survived. This is a good sign. I still have unaccomplished jobs to do. I will live another day and accomplish almost all of them before I lay asleep forever.

The howling of the winds were pretty scarier , pertaining to the fact that I am scared of ghosts so much. I thought I heard some one weeping first, then i thought maybe it's the Cat. But as the winds get stronger and fiercer , I can hear talking myself to calm my heartbeats. The morning view after the storm was disastrous. The roads will blocked by fallen trees, no electricity in the town. Puducherry was yet again a flash-back of Tsunami 2004 ,
With no food to eat, we managed to hire an auto and requested him to take us to any opened restaurants but hard luck. He didn't want to drive far as the tank was getting dried and all petrol bunks were closed due to the cyclone.We ended up buying snacks(biscuits and chips+ water bottles n soft short what ever was available in the petty shops which opened. ) The shops were bombarded with hungry tourists like us.The Storm even though have calm down a bit, there was no signs of any help in the town. No water in the hotels and the generator was dying out. We managed to book tickets back to Bengaluru. By evening, we were so hungry that we set out to walk miles in search of restaurants. Luckily we got one. had the best fried rice and black of the few food -items available  in that hotel.By 9:30 PM  , we vacated the hotel as we thought that if we don't find an auto , then we have walked miles in the rain.I forget to mention that it was raining all the while when we ventured out in the storm in search of food.All our clothes were wet. But luckily , we found an auto and he was ready to take us to the bus-deport. By 11:15, we said a good bye to Pondy and set off to the safer land. It was a ride. I was freezing and I snuggled up closed to survive. I survived. I will live on now too.
Happy New year to all.