Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I will definitely remember your Lane

No ,I am not being the psychic lover here or the heartbroken ditched souls!!
Neither I am talking about stalking some 6 feet in Reebok Jogging Pants in the early morning wee hours at the Joggers park nor digging my head into Shaadi.com site to get lifetime ATM..err I mean my soul-mate.I am talking here pure love ..love for food!! yes, Darlings ! I am foodie!! Nigella Lawson is my goddess!!Stop it right there boys.Dirty mind!
Back to why i mouthed the craps here..With the onset of winters, I am longing for some hot -pipping steaming yummy dumplings! And excuse me, I am not talking here about the big brothers such as Mainland China or Bowl of China where Squint-eyed people (the word is CHINKY..i said it , so what..keep it in your own pockets, such words neither rage me nor poke me) are hired as waiters to give the Chinese feel.Hello my dear hotel/restaurant owners, keep fantasizing (aha..aha..aaaa..)  with that Pamela Andreason 's poster in front of you. This is how you make me think about hiring Chinkies as waiters .Go to any Ching-chong-pong -pang restaurants and you can see us as the wannabees there, taking your orders in highly mother-tongued accented English. "You want dumplings, only steaming , not frying?". No NOM, it's to be taken as offence .. I meant it to offend MYSELF!!
God, I kept diverting off!! Focus dear, focus and no hocus-focus!! The best Chinese or tibetians food are found at the rehabs area( NOM seriously this time) where the real tibetians/ Nepalis cook mouth-water dim sum/momos/thupkas/noodles/fried rice. The food is rich in colors at it's virgin colors..green spring onions, red chilly, red tomatoes, pink meat, fresh corianders ..Heaven ..Heaven I swear!! No haldi please for Chinese Food. The kind of fried rice you are thinking, made by Telapati Ramananag Ranga Swamy or Babu Lal got haldi /curry patta and coconut scraps....you can keep the crap to yourself and I am not trying out your fried rice in Coconut oil at any cost!!
For serious Chinese food( for the cheap price also), i love and really missed Chandigarh sector 15 . Sector 7 panchkula road side make shift stalls offer far better dumplings than those by the big brothers. These are the lanes I was talking about.The hot -yummy momos paired with the chilly sauces!! aaahhhh!! I am seriously hungry now!!signing off!!

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