Friday, November 25, 2011

When a ME is born!

I as a being, I as me, I as a part of the Universe, never could live by my own rules or principles.
I could not be the lone rules-setters or be a self-wished upon action-doers. Like it or not, my action or decision has been influenced or has influenced people around me. I am not expressing here a desire to be the king of my own world. I am mere human. I need family. I need freind. I need love. I need company. I need to take and share. I need to love and hate. Things run in circles. I give . I take. I hurt. I love. I hate. I help. I yearn. I cry. Re-birth, i don't beleive in. I beleive in current life. But somehow, somewhere and sometime in all these circuits, a ME is form.

A daughter, a sister, a friend, a foe, an employee, a donor, a receiver, a lover, a victim, an attacker..the roles are varied. This could not be denied that each relationship has it's own set of expectation. I am neither complaining nor rejoicing. I feel unasnwered and a million questions in my mind.

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