Sunday, November 27, 2011

My cell-phone Pouch

All right!! I got a cute kitty cell phone pouch from a flee market, though , it cost me a 100 bucks. I found it so cute and was unable to let it go off my sight. The vendor knowing this that he got an idiot customer, refused to change his quoted  price. Oh com'n don't tell me that prizes are fixed in flee markets.Anways, i have to pay him the hundred bucks but I am happy that I got it!! yippee!!

I went to the Abids'Big bazaar too to purchase some utensils, but end up buying clothes and accessories!! I am lady after all!! Clothes and trinkets make me happy!!

And I ran into my college junior too. I was her super-senior,feel good about that. This is what life is all about. We meet, we part and we meet again if fated!!

Cheers to life! Viva La vida!!

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