Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7 things I lied about Myself

Firstly, I don't understand the works of Paulo Coelho. I find them really boring and pretty outdated. But just because his novels always turn out to be the best sellers. I lied about liking his work and read them to appear superior over the lesser intellectual -neighbours.

Secondly, I hate wearing Kurtas. But I buy bunch of them ,now and then, just coz I'm an Indian!!I love my  western tops and dresses!!Please people don't stare me through my clothes whenever I don those gaudy dresses. It's revealing but I love them.

Thirdly, Though I have sweared that  I will slap a hateful person if ever I come across him in future for cheating on me. But I know I too were equally wrong. I become a slave of my temper. But I stand again as the victim as the person cheats anyway whatever maybe the causes. I am totally against infidelity!

Fourthly,I am not a good  engineer. I am fooling myself here. I want to learn pottery instead!!I love CURVES!! Somewhere, I wish I could learn it quick , because I have a long way to go!!

Fifthly, I should have been wiser in using the counts-format, What will I write the next count? Sixthly or sixly? seventh one will be great and heavenly by being Sevenly ..or will it be seventhly?? Dum-dee-dum dumb dumb ME!! The default -bullets could have given me the right shots!

Last-Butt-one (he he..I like the Butt here but seriously no butting around) , I am not liking Lady Gaga now a days!! I felt she i-tunized her music these days!I'm confessing here now.. So Lady Gaga ,please sing like before!! you don't have to stripe down into your skinny latex swim wear!! we love you still with clothes! NO MORE BEEF PLZZZZZZZZZZZ!!

Lastly, I lied about the seven things.. I have zillion things I have lied about!! he he..

PS: I decided to stop blogging for sometime!! My name is Malem and I am not lying here !

PS again: I hate Delhi Belly!! Over-rated!! I hate it Like I love it!!

PS again again: Nothing!! Have a good day!!And for the rest who are sleeping "Good Night" ..and for those who are .......have a great S<beeep>X!!! Shit!! I hate Delhi Belly ..no Beeping in there!!

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