Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Best Friend Tag!!

This has been a recent craze. every one is doing the best friend tag in FB to You-Tube. I was going through the questions and since my best friend is in different location, I could not make the video but i would love to answer these questions about us and her esp!!

1. How and when did you meet? : In school .We have known each other for 10 years now. Thanks to Jianni(my benchmate) and Tutu (her benchmate) Who left KV and with no other options, we paired up!!This was the starting of a wonderful journey!!
2. What's your favorite memory together? She once went to Moreh and I missed her so much. When she re-joined school , i was so happy to see her that we ran and hug each other!! 
3. Describe each other in one word. Adventurous 
4. What's your dream job? Her Dream job will be something to do with travelling
5. What's your favorite makeup brand? Amway as of now
6. What is something that annoys you about the other person? Switches her job so often
7. If you could go anywhere in the world together, where would it be and why? Anywhere as long as we are together joining
8. Favorite inside joke? We used to give the boys in our class nick-names
9. Who takes longer to get ready in the morning? Both are super-quick
10. Favorite season? for her It might be winter
11. Favorite song? not sure
12. What is it like being best friends with someone who is obsessed with YouTube? m the one obsessed with u-tube!!The question will be for her!!
13. Heels or flats? Flats
14. Pants or dresses? Pants for her/ dress for me
15. Favorite animal? Deeli he he
16. If your house was burning down, and your entire family was sure to be okay, what would you save and why? The house!!
17. Comedy, horror, or chick-flick? comedy
18. Blackberry or iPhone? BB for her (may be)
19. Favorite movie? she is not a movie freak 
20. What is something weird that you eat? no clue.
21. Do you guys have anything matching? matching kurtis!!
22. What's your favorite TV show? no clue 

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