Thursday, December 22, 2011

A letter to my so-called well wishers

Dear W3,

[I have intentionally zeroed it down to W3 , because when i think of number and alphabets ie alphanumeric characters, i can think of scams/viruses and negativity like in 2G,HV1 etc; Well W3= worried well wishers; By the way give up on H1B visa.That's a dream never come true]

so, dear W3, first of all , thanks for screwing my life more than hell. I salute you all with my middle fingers.
Your acting surpassed any Oscar-winning actors. The impact on my life due to your "self-less advice" is tsunamic. I appreciate again for destroying my dreams and shattering my hopes into zillion pieces . You have succeeded in achieving your goals. I have finally given up after your traumatization  .You had a disturbed-unhappy childhood days , how could you see me happy? Congratulations on successfully brain-washing and puppetting  the old folks. Dumb as they are forever and now blind too. Their dumb mouths and gestures to enact your pinching and plotting . Life is short . Thanks for filling it up with shits. Will my death give you all fucking peace of mind?
Hope you get roasted like a dead pig in huge bonfire with the iron rod right through your asshole to the mouth, in hell. As you get barbecued over the hot charcoal , i will have a last laugh. Only then my soul will be freed. Until then my restless soul will cry , just as you have made me wreathed and rot so much in pain and shame.
If live cannot give what I deserve, I will get it out from death.

A tortured soul

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